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Negotiation Support

We pride ourselves in being able to serve different roles in support of our clients’ settlement efforts. In many cases, we serve as lead negotiator at mediation, facilitation and settlement conferences. This provides our clients with added flexibility during negotiations. In other instances, we support the lead negotiator in developing strategy and providing guidance on issues related to structured settlement annuities, compromise of third party liens, government benefit programs and a variety of settlement trusts.


Our negotiation support services include:


  • Working with our clients to assist with their assessment of the exposure, evaluate various options and develop innovative settlement strategies.Providing client support at mediation, facilitation and settlement conferences.


  • Aggressively representing our clients’ interests either as lead negotiator or in support of the lead negotiator. Our role and involvement can adjust as circumstances warrant.


  • Assisting the parties in removing settlement obstacles such as third party liens.

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